TGP Network

I have stepped into our client's homes many times, who've needed other services outside of what we offer. They ask us for recommendations and if we know anyone who specialize in these fields. This inspired us to build a network filled with recommended businesses who offer services outside of what we offer. We care so much about our clients, whom we have built this company for, so we look for other businesses who value client relationships and good ethics just as much as we do. rest assured that our partner companies will complete the tasks and meet your expectations. There is a 5% Brokers fee for our network of trusted companies and The Grout Professionals Management will attend the work being completed.

To do so, we make sure that each business is:

Screened and Verified

This means it is an official LLC and has been verified to operate in NC.

Highly-Rated and Accredited

This means that the company has amazing reviews and are accredited or in the process of being BBB accredited.


This means they are insured.

Has A Social Media Presence

This means that the company has built a community online and offline.

  • Master Cleaning Service

    • Remodeling
    • Turn Key Construction
    • Roofing
    • Mold remediation
    • Tile Installation